Miami Dade County deserves a Property Appraiser who is working for you. Join us on the journey to a fairer future for all property owners in Miami Dade County.


Tomas Regalado

  • Experience: Decades of public service, understanding the unique challenges of our community.
  • Transparency: A campaign promise to open the books and ensure fair property assessments.
  • Advocacy: Committed to protecting homeowner rights and ensuring fair taxes for all.
  • Efficiency: Pledging to modernize the office to serve you better.

How to Show Your Support 

  • Volunteer: Be a part of our movement—every hand helps!
  • Spread the Word: Tell your friends, family, and neighbors why Tomas is the right choice for Miami Dade.
  • Donate: Support the campaign. Every contribution brings us a step closer to victory.